Thursday, May 14, 2009

Come on people! JUST DO IT!

If you know me, you may know that I feel that it is VERY important to recycle. Paper, plastic, glass, aluminum. Everything! It's not hard. Yes, it may take some effort, but to know that my stuff isn't going in the landfill makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I'm doing my part to save our planet and make it a more healthy place to live. And you know what really drives me up a wall? To see people just being plain LAZY about it and NOT DOING IT! It's like when people smoke cigarettes. They say, "oh, I'm alright. I won't get cancer. It won't happen to ME". Same goes with recycling! People who don't recycle may think, "eh, it's no big deal. Just a little extra trash in our landfill won't be such a big deal". Well, you know what? IT IS A BIG DEAL! Just because you might have to keep, for example, paper for two weeks because they only pick it up every other week DOES NOT mean that it's too hard to do so just forget about it. NO! You have to change your routine (Ooo, scary, huh?), and that goes for people who don't have trash pick-up service, and start freaking caring about our environment and STOP THROWING RECYCLABLE TRASH IN YOUR GARBAGE! Today is trash pick-up day in our neighborhood, and you wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) how much cardboard and paper products are sitting, waiting to be put out with the garbage in our growing landfills. AMAZING! And there are so many times that I just want to go and pick up all those recyclables, but then my home would be over flowing with it and my husband would probably go crazy. SO, it's GOT to be up to EVERY person to do their part. EVERY PERSON! PLEASE! Please don't throw out a cardboard box. Give it to your child to play in, or fill that cardboard box with empty envelopes from your mail or other paper products that you call "trash" and then put it out with RECYCLING. Please don't throw out that plastic milk jug. Make it a bird feeder or just crush it and put it out with your RECYCLING. Please don't throw out that glass jar. Make it a flower vase, or terrarium, or paintbrush holder, or throw it in your RECYCLING bin and set it out to be recycled. Please don't throw out your aluminum cans. Make them into luminaries or tie them to a newly married couple's car, or put them out with your plastic milk jugs and glass jars and any other recyclable container, and DO YOUR PART TO HELP KEEP OUR EARTH CLEAN AND FREE OF WASTE. Come on people! JUST DO IT!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

So I had a really nice Mother's Day. How about you? Even though it's a Hallmark holiday, it still seems to be important, and we still celebrate. My husband pretty much gave me the day off. It was really nice. I nursed the baby at 6:30 that morning, and then, after baby was done, my husband took him, shut the bedroom door, and let me sleep. Ahhh, sleep. Glorious sleep! How I love to sleep. And sleep in. . .in the morning. I thought that I'd sleep for another hour or so, but no, I slept until 10AM! I guess I was pretty tired. And when I woke up, baby was napping, which meant that hubby successfully put him down for a nap, which sometimes is hard to do. I had made a grocery list the night before, so hubby took our almost 3 year old with him, and I got a lovely morning to myself. Time to eat breakfast in peace. Time to not have to worry about fixing something else for someone else, or changing a diaper. Time for quiet. Time to myself. Time to watch the Today Show (despite their bland interviews). Time to work on my knitting project. Time to be just me. Not a mom. Not a wife. Just me. How refreshing! Plus, it's so amazing how having one day off can really make you appreciate what you have in your kids and your family. I can get so tired of it all, and then when I have a day off and not have to worry about it. I am revived. I am a new mom and wife. Not so tired and not so cranky. I think we should have Mother's Day Off Day once a week. What do you think?