Thursday, November 29, 2007

Monkey See, Monkey Do

My son has a funny fascination with my chapstick. I'll find him sitting on the floor with the cap off. Hand to mouth, shaking his head side to side with his tongue sticking out. He's using the cap, not the actual stick, to put the chapstick on. He's a bit confused, so I try to help him by showing how I do it, and then let him let me put some on his lips. He ends up wanting to try and eat it. I get his top lip, but he sticks out his tongue and ends up licking it. I guess that's why they make it taste good?

It's really cute, just as long as he doesn't start rubbing it on the dog's rear end. That would be really gross!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Mother's Job is Never Over

Note to self: Never change a diaper in the dark to prevent a child from waking up. One must ALWAYS turn some sort of illuminating device on to better see a rear end.

My son woke up while my husband was getting ready for work. I heard him, so I got up, but before I could get to his room, hubby rushed in and closed the door. Apparently he was trying to get him to go back to sleep. Hubby had to change his diaper, which was very wet and poopy. After changing and rocking him, hubby brought our son out with no success. After hubby left for work and our son was fed, I got him down from the booster seat and let him play while I fixed my breakfast. As I was sitting down to enjoy my breakfast, I saw this unusual shadow on the back side of my son's sleeper. I got a little closer, gagged from the odor, and realized that he has messed outside of his diaper. Apparently, hubby, while putting a clean diaper on, managed to only cover one butt cheek, leaving the other free. And now, it was my job to clean it up. Have no fear, supermommy is here! Reminds me of the explosive diapers when he was an infant. I shutter to even think about them. Ahhh, what a wonderful life!