Today was clean up the playroom day! My husband took the time, while I was at the gym and nursing our youngest, to organize the playroom and weed out a bunch of toys to make room for new ones received at Christmas. I am reluctant, though, that everything will stay in their places and not get mixed up. The reason is that it's hard to keep the house in order all the time. I can see the bins that we have selected won't stay the way they are now. Of course, it's good to instill responsibility in a child that he or she must clean up their room or playroom before receiving a treat or before nap time or bedtime. So, my oldest son's wonderful contribution to all this was taking all the animals, minus about 4, and putting them on a stool I have in the kitchen. There were so many on the stool that they were almost falling off. He even decided to start stacking them on top of each other. My child is definitely NOT showing signs of autism! That's for sure! Ha! I just thought it was a funny moment for our family and that I'd share. Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas, and that the New Year is full of happy surprises!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
How Many Little People Animals Can Fit On A Stool?
Today was clean up the playroom day! My husband took the time, while I was at the gym and nursing our youngest, to organize the playroom and weed out a bunch of toys to make room for new ones received at Christmas. I am reluctant, though, that everything will stay in their places and not get mixed up. The reason is that it's hard to keep the house in order all the time. I can see the bins that we have selected won't stay the way they are now. Of course, it's good to instill responsibility in a child that he or she must clean up their room or playroom before receiving a treat or before nap time or bedtime. So, my oldest son's wonderful contribution to all this was taking all the animals, minus about 4, and putting them on a stool I have in the kitchen. There were so many on the stool that they were almost falling off. He even decided to start stacking them on top of each other. My child is definitely NOT showing signs of autism! That's for sure! Ha! I just thought it was a funny moment for our family and that I'd share. Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas, and that the New Year is full of happy surprises!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Bummer Book Signing
One of my favorite tv shows on the Food Network is 30 Minutes Meals with Rachel Ray. She always makes food that looks yummy, and I've enjoyed her bubbly personality and funny quirks. I think I've even caught myself saying "YUM-O!" a few times.
Earlier this week, my husband was out at the mall with our 2 1/2 year old viewing a model railroad at Bass Pro, and afterwards, he stopped by the bookstore to look around. While browsing the store, he noticed that queen of 30 minute meals was going to have a book signing this Saturday (today). Knowing that I enjoy her show, he told me, and this morning he went to the store to get our ticket and buy the book that she was going to sign.
After rushing to get the kids together and putting a little makeup on so I'd look alive in the picture that I'd take of me and Rachel, we arrived at our designated time.
I had no idea that a book signing would be such a rote, cold, routine. . .thing.
After waiting in the line, all excited with book in hand, I got up to the table where she was sitting. I handed hubby the camera, but when I turned around the lady said that Rachel was only taking photos with children. So, I thought, no biggie, I'll just get to smile at her, say hello, and atleast have SOME eye contact. Nope, the woman making the line go smoothly said, "stay with your book, miss" as if we were a roasting chicken coming down a belt in a factory waiting to be packaged up. So, I stayed with my book like I was told, and soon got to Rachel.
You know what?! She didn't even look up and smile at me. She just opened the front cover, addressed the book to me (someone came around while we were in line and wrote our names on a sticky note to post in the front cover so I guess Rachel wouldn't have to ask for spelling), and signed her name. Then, so top it all off, she said "here ya go!" Disappointed, I walked away almost wanting to return my book and get my money back.
I just feel so sorry for Rachel Ray and any celebrity who's got their life so scheduled that she probably has to schedule time to breath. Her life as a celebrity cook must be such a stress for her. Book signings, show taping, photo shoots. . .I can imagine that she's just about ready to blow her top and want to just get it done already!
As I watched her pose with children for a picture, it almost seems like she puts on a mask to cover what's really inside. Her bright, enthusiastic smile fades to a mere cover-up of chaos and stress.
Even though it's probably nice to make 18 million a year cooking your favorite foods, I have no desire to be in the spot light. I love my life just as it is. Two beautiful children, a loving husband, a warm home to rest in, and the occasional bummer book signing. . .
Note to self: in the future, just wait until the book goes on sale and get it later.
Earlier this week, my husband was out at the mall with our 2 1/2 year old viewing a model railroad at Bass Pro, and afterwards, he stopped by the bookstore to look around. While browsing the store, he noticed that queen of 30 minute meals was going to have a book signing this Saturday (today). Knowing that I enjoy her show, he told me, and this morning he went to the store to get our ticket and buy the book that she was going to sign.
After rushing to get the kids together and putting a little makeup on so I'd look alive in the picture that I'd take of me and Rachel, we arrived at our designated time.
I had no idea that a book signing would be such a rote, cold, routine. . .thing.
After waiting in the line, all excited with book in hand, I got up to the table where she was sitting. I handed hubby the camera, but when I turned around the lady said that Rachel was only taking photos with children. So, I thought, no biggie, I'll just get to smile at her, say hello, and atleast have SOME eye contact. Nope, the woman making the line go smoothly said, "stay with your book, miss" as if we were a roasting chicken coming down a belt in a factory waiting to be packaged up. So, I stayed with my book like I was told, and soon got to Rachel.
You know what?! She didn't even look up and smile at me. She just opened the front cover, addressed the book to me (someone came around while we were in line and wrote our names on a sticky note to post in the front cover so I guess Rachel wouldn't have to ask for spelling), and signed her name. Then, so top it all off, she said "here ya go!" Disappointed, I walked away almost wanting to return my book and get my money back.
I just feel so sorry for Rachel Ray and any celebrity who's got their life so scheduled that she probably has to schedule time to breath. Her life as a celebrity cook must be such a stress for her. Book signings, show taping, photo shoots. . .I can imagine that she's just about ready to blow her top and want to just get it done already!
As I watched her pose with children for a picture, it almost seems like she puts on a mask to cover what's really inside. Her bright, enthusiastic smile fades to a mere cover-up of chaos and stress.
Even though it's probably nice to make 18 million a year cooking your favorite foods, I have no desire to be in the spot light. I love my life just as it is. Two beautiful children, a loving husband, a warm home to rest in, and the occasional bummer book signing. . .
Note to self: in the future, just wait until the book goes on sale and get it later.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What does Christmas mean for you?
Check out the "Conspiracy Theory" post on the blog of a wonderful friend of mine, Wishful Thinking. Click on the YouTube video, and have an open mind. Perhaps it's time for ALL of us to rethink how we celebrate Christmas.

Monday, November 24, 2008
I Found You, Mr. Tasselmeyer!
As we were watching the weather on the evening news, our 2 1/2 year old was watching Mr. Tasselmeyer walked back and forth across the screen.
"Where did he go?" I asked as the weatherman disappeared off the screen.
"He's playing hide and seek!" said James, watching the screen intently.
"Oh, he's playing hide and seek? Where did Mr. Tasselmeyer go?" I asked.
Soon, the weatherman reappeared. Jumping up and down and squealing with laughter, James said, "I found you, Mr. Tasselmeyer! I found you!"
"Where did he go?" I asked as the weatherman disappeared off the screen.
"He's playing hide and seek!" said James, watching the screen intently.
"Oh, he's playing hide and seek? Where did Mr. Tasselmeyer go?" I asked.
Soon, the weatherman reappeared. Jumping up and down and squealing with laughter, James said, "I found you, Mr. Tasselmeyer! I found you!"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First Taste
So, today was a big day for me.
Since my husband has been home, I've had alot of help, which has been great for my recovery from the birth of our second. I had an (unnecessary) c-section, so I was prescribed no heavy lifting including my two ton two year old. So, since hubby has been home, he's been doing all the heavy lifting and taking on much of the household duties.
But, today was different.
Today, he had to leave at 8am to go to an unemployment workshop, and he didn't arrive back home until 4:30pm. So, I was back to being a SAHM, but now it's not just of one child, it's two. I got my first taste of what life will be like from now on having two children. Thank goodness I had something to do today. Tuesday is Bible Study day, so for half of my day I was learning how to handle difficult people, and James, my 2 1/2 year old, was with Ms. Arka and the other children having a blast. And since I sit at a table of women who love babies, I didn't have to hold my youngest the whole time. There were plenty of ladies oooing and ahhing over Jesse. So, much to my surprise half of my day was great. Despite it taking 20-30 minutes just to get out of the door, life was going great.
And when I got home, it was lunch time, and then it was nap time, and then all hell broke loose. Let's just say, I've been barfed on more times in the past couple days than I could ever want. (Jesse is a little oinker, 11 pounds 12 ounces as a matter of fact, who likes to nurse ALOT, won't burp easily, and as a result, he vomits all the mommy milk right back up again) I've had to place my oldest in timeout probably about 5 times in 30 minutes. And, I've been peed on by my oldest right before I put him in the bath tub. And if you are a mom, you KNOW how much a two year old can pee. It's not just a little sprinkle. It's more like the Mississippi River. And it's just a delight to feel the nice trickle of urine landing on my foot, and because of my lack of sleep, not figuring it out right away. I swear, the Lord has a great sense of humor.
But after all of this, life is good. Life is good because I am happy, and also because I've reinstated ME TIME. So, from approximately 7pm-8pm, I have time to myself. Which is MUCH needed after having a normal day like this. But it's a good normal. Keeps life interesting. Keeps my head in the right place because I found myself praying little prayers throughout the day of asking God to help me stay calm. Before I felt like I was going to blow my top, I would take a deep breath, and pray. Because there's nothing I can't do when I have the Lord with me, right there beside me. What a blessing, to know that He is there watching over me, and that all I have to do is seek Him.
So, was today a good day? I'd have to say, heck yeah! Wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! Not a thing.
Since my husband has been home, I've had alot of help, which has been great for my recovery from the birth of our second. I had an (unnecessary) c-section, so I was prescribed no heavy lifting including my two ton two year old. So, since hubby has been home, he's been doing all the heavy lifting and taking on much of the household duties.
But, today was different.
Today, he had to leave at 8am to go to an unemployment workshop, and he didn't arrive back home until 4:30pm. So, I was back to being a SAHM, but now it's not just of one child, it's two. I got my first taste of what life will be like from now on having two children. Thank goodness I had something to do today. Tuesday is Bible Study day, so for half of my day I was learning how to handle difficult people, and James, my 2 1/2 year old, was with Ms. Arka and the other children having a blast. And since I sit at a table of women who love babies, I didn't have to hold my youngest the whole time. There were plenty of ladies oooing and ahhing over Jesse. So, much to my surprise half of my day was great. Despite it taking 20-30 minutes just to get out of the door, life was going great.
And when I got home, it was lunch time, and then it was nap time, and then all hell broke loose. Let's just say, I've been barfed on more times in the past couple days than I could ever want. (Jesse is a little oinker, 11 pounds 12 ounces as a matter of fact, who likes to nurse ALOT, won't burp easily, and as a result, he vomits all the mommy milk right back up again) I've had to place my oldest in timeout probably about 5 times in 30 minutes. And, I've been peed on by my oldest right before I put him in the bath tub. And if you are a mom, you KNOW how much a two year old can pee. It's not just a little sprinkle. It's more like the Mississippi River. And it's just a delight to feel the nice trickle of urine landing on my foot, and because of my lack of sleep, not figuring it out right away. I swear, the Lord has a great sense of humor.
But after all of this, life is good. Life is good because I am happy, and also because I've reinstated ME TIME. So, from approximately 7pm-8pm, I have time to myself. Which is MUCH needed after having a normal day like this. But it's a good normal. Keeps life interesting. Keeps my head in the right place because I found myself praying little prayers throughout the day of asking God to help me stay calm. Before I felt like I was going to blow my top, I would take a deep breath, and pray. Because there's nothing I can't do when I have the Lord with me, right there beside me. What a blessing, to know that He is there watching over me, and that all I have to do is seek Him.
So, was today a good day? I'd have to say, heck yeah! Wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! Not a thing.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tough Times
My family is going through a very difficult situation. At least, that's how some people may see it. You see, he lost his job about 2 months ago, and recently I gave birth to our second child. You can imagine how he might feel, knowing that we have decided to have me stay home and raise our children. No matter how tough our days might be or how "hairy" life might get, I always remember to pray to our awesome Lord, Jesus Christ. I try to be my husband's rock during tough times, and even during not so tough times. What's the point in worrying or being depressed? The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 "don't worry about the future" and "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Philippians 4:6). So, I choose to lay everything aside and let God handle it. HE is the one who is in control of this situation. It is in HIS time that my husband will be blessed with a new job. So, in the meantime, we just have to wait and continue to pray for anything that comes to our mind because God is a good God and he wants to bless us with the desires of our hearts. That is why he tells us, "but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, presents your requests to God".
No matter how big or small your situation may seem, pray to God. He hears you. He knows your thoughts. He wants to hold your hand through this.
And if you need a little inspiration, check out this YouTube video. It might bring a tear to your eye. I know that it did for me.
No matter how big or small your situation may seem, pray to God. He hears you. He knows your thoughts. He wants to hold your hand through this.
And if you need a little inspiration, check out this YouTube video. It might bring a tear to your eye. I know that it did for me.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy Birthday!
We welcomed our second child into this world on October 17th, 2008. Jesse Scott was born at 5:45pm and weighed in at 9 pounds 5.9 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long. :) He's a big boy! Hope you enjoy the pictures! He's been a wonderful blessing to our family, and we are so thankful that he's finally here! Happy Birthday, Jesse Scott!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
If You Gave A Toddler A Vegetable
We had tacos for dinner tonight. Hadn't had them in a while, so I thought I'd fix them. The seasoning was very mild, so I thought I'd have no trouble getting my almost two year old to eat one. So, I cut a whole wheat tortilla in half, scooped out some taco meat, sprinkled on some cheese, added a little diced tomato and gave it to him. And what does he do? He turns his head and adamantly says, "NO!" and then to top it off, he unrolls the taco, shakes the insides off the shell, and proceeds to eat the tortilla. Just the tortilla. We tried everything! Giving him his own fork, scooping the insides up and helping him feed himself, letting him take a bite of our taco, force feeding him with arms held down and head held back. Nothing works! And as my meal is getting cold, and I feel like my world is crumbling around me, I think about how I never want to see my child get fat. I don't want to see him have to diet like mommy (even though I did get to goal at Weight Watchers). Why the heck won't this child eat the food I give him? Why won't he eat vegetables? Why why why!? I feel like I've failed as a mother. This child is going to grow up only wanting to eat unhealthy foods. It's just so frustrating for me when all he asks for are cookies and crackers or chips. And I don't give those to him regularly because I don't have them in my home on a regular basis. He does eat fruit, and I only feed him whole grain or whole wheat bread. I just don't know what to do anymore. He knows I'm not a short order cook, so if he doesn't eat what I give him, he doesn't eat. I just wish his child would eat a piece of lettuce and tomato on a sandwich, or some baby carrots with a little dip instead of licking the dip off the carrot and throwing the carrot on the floor for me to have to pick up. I'm at a loss, and I feel like there's no hope for me to get this child to eat his veggies. I mean, aren't these years the building blocks for good nutrition? Am I at a total loss? I just wish I could wave a wand and the Magic Vegetable Fairy would come down and work her magic. Please! Why does this have to be so hard?
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
One Silver Wire
As I was awakened by my wonderful alarm clock this morning, I lay there in bed saying to myself, just one more hour. Then it occured to me that I am scheduled to work at Curves this morning. So, I rolled out of bed, gathered my clothes and staggered into the bathroom. As I turned on the light, through my blurry, goober crusted eyes, I spied a shiny, silver wire sticking out of my head. I leaned in closer to the mirror, being careful not to frighten myself, and was appalled by the sight of an acutal gray hair poking out of my head. I thought to myself, "dear Lord, has my life amounted to this?! Can this really be? I'm 26 years old, for Pete's sake (whoever Pete is)!"
So, I gathered my composure, got ready for the day, and quickly swooped up my sign of aging and shoved it in the trash. No way is a silly little gray hair going to get in MY way!
So there! <>
So, I gathered my composure, got ready for the day, and quickly swooped up my sign of aging and shoved it in the trash. No way is a silly little gray hair going to get in MY way!
So there! <
Monday, January 14, 2008
Best Friends
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Let Me Be A Light!
Warning: This post might be a bit hard to swallow for some who read this.
My husband and I attend Grace Fellowship Church, a Bible based church that believes in Jesus, the one and only son of God. We have a strong faith. This faith was strengthened by being involved with our Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in college as small group leaders and worship leaders. Strengthened by involvement in small groups at Grace Fellowship Church as members, and most recently we became leaders. Strengthened by Bible study with Community Bible Study and The Bible in 90 Days program. Strengthened through the amazing worship we experience at church, that often brings me to tears. God is so amazingly present in this world. Why can't everyone just submit to Him?
Over the Christmas holiday, we discovered that a friend of mine, lets call her Sally, is attending a Unitarian Universalist church, and recently I decided to do some digging and find out a bit more. First of all, please pray for those who believe in Unitarian Universalism. As I read the website for the church she attends, I had an ill feeling come over me that Satan was very present and real and that he has a hold on those who attend this church. Having a strong faith in the truth that embodies Jesus Christ, I realized that Jesus doesn't seem to be in that church at all, which makes me wonder how it can be called a church. Here is the definition of church: a building for public and especially Christian worship. It really just blows my mind to think how people are so mislead about the truth. That they can find truth in all kinds of deities? That's so completely wrong! Please Lord Jesus, help me to be a light unto this world that they may see You in me and know the truth so they may be set free. I pray that I can be a light to as many people as possible. And please, Lord, give me the courage and strength to tell people about You so they won't go to Hell, because in the end, there will be chosen people and there will be those left behind. It pains me to think about how people are going to be left behind to burn and suffer. I can't reach everyone. Lord, could Sally be one of them? I pray that she doesn't think that she can find truth in herself. Truth is only found in Jesus. Why is it so hard for people to believe that? Don't they want total freedom? Don't they want to spend eternity in Heaven with our Wonderful Father? Father God, help me to see the world as You see the world, so that I may know how to reach the unbelievers so that they can see the truth and believe. Amen!
My husband and I attend Grace Fellowship Church, a Bible based church that believes in Jesus, the one and only son of God. We have a strong faith. This faith was strengthened by being involved with our Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in college as small group leaders and worship leaders. Strengthened by involvement in small groups at Grace Fellowship Church as members, and most recently we became leaders. Strengthened by Bible study with Community Bible Study and The Bible in 90 Days program. Strengthened through the amazing worship we experience at church, that often brings me to tears. God is so amazingly present in this world. Why can't everyone just submit to Him?
Over the Christmas holiday, we discovered that a friend of mine, lets call her Sally, is attending a Unitarian Universalist church, and recently I decided to do some digging and find out a bit more. First of all, please pray for those who believe in Unitarian Universalism. As I read the website for the church she attends, I had an ill feeling come over me that Satan was very present and real and that he has a hold on those who attend this church. Having a strong faith in the truth that embodies Jesus Christ, I realized that Jesus doesn't seem to be in that church at all, which makes me wonder how it can be called a church. Here is the definition of church: a building for public and especially Christian worship. It really just blows my mind to think how people are so mislead about the truth. That they can find truth in all kinds of deities? That's so completely wrong! Please Lord Jesus, help me to be a light unto this world that they may see You in me and know the truth so they may be set free. I pray that I can be a light to as many people as possible. And please, Lord, give me the courage and strength to tell people about You so they won't go to Hell, because in the end, there will be chosen people and there will be those left behind. It pains me to think about how people are going to be left behind to burn and suffer. I can't reach everyone. Lord, could Sally be one of them? I pray that she doesn't think that she can find truth in herself. Truth is only found in Jesus. Why is it so hard for people to believe that? Don't they want total freedom? Don't they want to spend eternity in Heaven with our Wonderful Father? Father God, help me to see the world as You see the world, so that I may know how to reach the unbelievers so that they can see the truth and believe. Amen!
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