Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

This weekend I've decided to try my hand at starting seeds and growing my own garden with a few vegetables that I really enjoy. I've even asked my dad if he'd help me build a raised garden bed in a portion of my backyard. I figure, less for hubby to mow, and a great teaching and learning experience for myself and my almost 3 year old. Maybe this would even excite him to eat some vegetables, in addition to digging in the dirt! So, this weekend, we are going to start marigold seeds, zinnia seeds, tomato seeds, mixed colored sweet bell peppers seeds, and butternut squash. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but just haven't put out the effort. I'm feeling really motivated about starting my own seedlings because I see my front garden that was planted last season, and new leaves are blooming, and new branches are forming. It's so exciting to see the fruits of my labor. I figure, why not try something new and see if my green thumb is really a green thumb. A friend of mine over at Wishful Thinking starts her beautiful and plentiful garden from seeds every year, and I've always been impressed and amazed. Last year, for my birthday, my parents gave me an EarthBox, and I grew some yummy tomatoes. This year, I'm going to try growing something else in the Earthbox, and try the hanging tomato planter. I've heard that it's the best way for tomatoes. Maybe I'll try growing corn in the Earthbox this year. That would be fun! I'll definitely be posting some great pictures of us and our gardening journey. So, make sure you check back and see if my efforts have paid off!