I recently dug out a new toy that I received at one of my baby showers. It's one of those Activity Stations. This one is pretty unique in that it has a detachable seat that spins and rotates around the activity center. When Well, baby James, aka Flying Baby, just LOVES it! I put him in it for the first time, and he just went nuts. The coolest thing is that he has figured out how to walk around it while in the seat, so little by little he pushes with his feeble little legs and actually makes a full rotation. He's such a smart little dude.
It's just so amazing how much he's grown in 6 short months. From being so small and needing an IV in the NICU

to now where he's able to hold his head up and stand on mommy's lap while holding onto my hands.

I am so amazingly blessed to be his mommy. I just love watching him grow, and he gets to be more and more fun everyday. God really did think this out, even to the most minute detail. I mean, what will He show me next. Thank goodness babies don't come out of the womb knowing everything. How boring would that be!
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