Supplies: Two assembly-required filing cabinets from Ollie's (one,a lovely cherry finish, the other, black with "alumacast" fronts, oops!), a solid slab door from Home Depot, and some grip liner to hold the door/desk top in place.
Instructions: After hubby disappears to the basement to start a project, suggest that we finally make the desk we've been talking about. After child is put down for a nap, offer to go to Home Depot to buy the door and grip liner while hubby puts the filing cabinets together. Return home with door and grip liner. Argue a bit about how to get the 3,000 pound door inside the house. Finish arguing. Finish putting cabinets together, which takes the longest. Darn you assembly required furniture! Thank God that hubby offered to do it instead of you. Cut grip liner to fit tops of cabinets. Position cabinets so that the door will be directly over top. Lift 3,000 pound door and position over top cabinets. And voila! A huge, brand-new desk for less than 100 dollars! Enough work space to spread out. Enough room for the computer. And enough leg room too! Fantastic! And it even has shiny, new "alumacast" fronts on one side! How modern!
You have a great desk and a wonderfully sweet blog! I did a search tonight to see whose interest included both Bible study and loving their husband and your blog came up. So nice to meet you through blogging.
Happy New Year!
Thank you! I was waiting for this moment when someone I do not know reads my blog. I appreciate your comments, and I hope that this will inspire me to write more often. Thank you again, and I hope you have a blessed New Year!
I love the color of your walls. The desk looks good too. It's so eclectic. I wouldn't change a thing. :)
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