Saturday, October 07, 2006

I can't get no, ba da ba. . .motivation!

I'm at 14 pounds and counting for my weight loss since I joined Weight Watchers after having my son.

Anyone here ever gotten to the point where they just don't feel like it anymore? Yup! That's where I am. I'm getting a little tired of counting everything that I eat and not being able to eat as much chocolate, brownies, or tortilla chips that I want. I mean I could, but then there's the sometimes dreaded weigh-in every week. And I'll kick myself if I gain anything because I know what I did wrong. Choices choices choices.

I just need some motivation! Gosh darn it! I know that I'm doing well, but sometimes I just want to throw in the hat.

Am I the only one?

1 comment:

Goslyn said...

Hang in there! You can do it!