I was at CBS (Community Bible Study) this past Tuesday, and before we broke up into our Core groups we heard a woman speak about her life before she met Jesus. She spoke about how much her life has changed since she met Him. She was raped at a young age and married at the ripe old age of 16. The pain from being raped started a pattern of affairs during her marriage, but then she met Jesus.
One thing that she spoke about really stuck in my head and I wanted to share it with you. She said, and I think she was quoting an old song, "I stand amazed by the power of Jesus. How He could love me, a sinner, unclean."
Thinking about this phrase -I wish I knew the song title- I thought back to a recent picture that I had taken of a sunset. It reminded me that I hadn't seen one in a long time. Ever since my son was born my daily focus has been on him, but that's not a bad thing. Heaven's no. It's just that I realized that I hadn't taken time to breath, time to listen to the wind, time to smell the start of Fall, time to look up into this huge sky and stand amazed by how much Jesus loves us that He paints a beautiful sunset at the end of each day (good or bad) to remind us of His power and love.
When I looked at that sunset I truly stood amazed. I think I probably was there for quite some time because I was able to notice all the beautiful and bright colors that God has created. Radiant pink and brilliant blue. And how He probably just took His powerful and gentle hand and brushed it against the sky to make the whispy clouds. He probably got a little chuckle because it's so easy for Him. God makes a different one everyday. He just wants us to take time to notice. Notice the splendor. Notice the beauty. Notice when the last time you just stood there in awe by the power of Jesus. How He could love you, a sinner, unclean.
Lovely post. I haven't seen the sunset in a while either.
I love, love, love the picture you are using for your profile.
Thank you, goslyn, for that lovely comment. :)
I can't believe how much those little feet have grown since that photo was taken.
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