Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bummer Book Signing

One of my favorite tv shows on the Food Network is 30 Minutes Meals with Rachel Ray. She always makes food that looks yummy, and I've enjoyed her bubbly personality and funny quirks. I think I've even caught myself saying "YUM-O!" a few times.

Earlier this week, my husband was out at the mall with our 2 1/2 year old viewing a model railroad at Bass Pro, and afterwards, he stopped by the bookstore to look around. While browsing the store, he noticed that queen of 30 minute meals was going to have a book signing this Saturday (today). Knowing that I enjoy her show, he told me, and this morning he went to the store to get our ticket and buy the book that she was going to sign.

After rushing to get the kids together and putting a little makeup on so I'd look alive in the picture that I'd take of me and Rachel, we arrived at our designated time.

I had no idea that a book signing would be such a rote, cold, routine. . .thing.

After waiting in the line, all excited with book in hand, I got up to the table where she was sitting. I handed hubby the camera, but when I turned around the lady said that Rachel was only taking photos with children. So, I thought, no biggie, I'll just get to smile at her, say hello, and atleast have SOME eye contact. Nope, the woman making the line go smoothly said, "stay with your book, miss" as if we were a roasting chicken coming down a belt in a factory waiting to be packaged up. So, I stayed with my book like I was told, and soon got to Rachel.

You know what?! She didn't even look up and smile at me. She just opened the front cover, addressed the book to me (someone came around while we were in line and wrote our names on a sticky note to post in the front cover so I guess Rachel wouldn't have to ask for spelling), and signed her name. Then, so top it all off, she said "here ya go!" Disappointed, I walked away almost wanting to return my book and get my money back.

I just feel so sorry for Rachel Ray and any celebrity who's got their life so scheduled that she probably has to schedule time to breath. Her life as a celebrity cook must be such a stress for her. Book signings, show taping, photo shoots. . .I can imagine that she's just about ready to blow her top and want to just get it done already!

As I watched her pose with children for a picture, it almost seems like she puts on a mask to cover what's really inside. Her bright, enthusiastic smile fades to a mere cover-up of chaos and stress.

Even though it's probably nice to make 18 million a year cooking your favorite foods, I have no desire to be in the spot light. I love my life just as it is. Two beautiful children, a loving husband, a warm home to rest in, and the occasional bummer book signing. . .

Note to self: in the future, just wait until the book goes on sale and get it later.


Anonymous said...

I saw a clip on local news, as RR showed up to a signing in my city with stringy hair & wearing sweats. As the camera panned the excited & smiling fans, Ray was anything but upon her arrival. Looked like she rolled out of bed & out the door, & appeared very unenthusiastic. Her demeanor conveyed begrudgingly getting through it, instead of appreciation for the fans who made her what she is today (which I'll NEVER understand). How soon she forgets; & she is now just an obnoxious ingrate.

Anonymous said...

What city was this .... Every picture I have seen of Rachael on this this tour she has looked very put together - dresses, boots and styled hair and make up - I have not seen sweats and dirty hair. You must be full of crap.

mommaladybug said...

She was very well put together at this book signing. With a pretty purple sweather, and her hair look really great! Just wish she would've been more seemingly happy to see her fans.

Anonymous said...

Guess it was neither extreme when a coworker saw her, who said rachael's look as "ok". However, her attitude was apparently very atrocious. I'm not a fan, just thought she was alright 3 or 4 years ago.. but from what I've seen on her talk show, she's morphed into an absurd caricature of her self. I only watch bits here & there for laughs, & shock value over this fraud still has fans, given her bizarre & irritating ways. That she has followers, is the epitome of the Dumbing Down of America. ROFL

Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm sorry the signing was a bummer. It's tough when you think you'll get to meet someone you admire - and have learned from - and they turn out to be super-processed.

And for what it's worth, I think RR has earned her fame - she's adorable and a great cook. But she's just that, a television personality. That rarely comes through the same way in real life.